Bamboo 3.3.x - Every plan/stage/job create says it already exists.

Steve Sawyer December 10, 2011

If I try to create a stage, a job, or a task, I get the messagealready exists. in red. If I hit Cancel, I see it created it. For instance, I go to a Plan, Stages, Create Job. I put in sfsfsfs as Job Name, then DFDFDFD as Job Key, check Enabled, and click Create Job. It says The name already exists in this Plan and The key already exists in this Plan. in red. I can change the names to something else and click Create Job, but it will continue to keep saying the name & key already exist in the Plan. Then I hit Cancel, refresh Stages and every one of them now appears. I don't feel like I can trust the jobs I am creating as a result. What is going on?

I uninstalled 3.3, removed the bamboo home, and the bamboo install dir, and even removed JRE6. Rebooted, installed JRE7, installed Bamboo 3.3.3, configured it for LDAP, logged in as an admin, tried creating a Plan and the same thing happened - This project name already exists./This project key is already used. If I change the values, it keeps saying it. When I cancel out, I see all of them created.

2 answers

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Steve Sawyer December 11, 2011

I opened up a support ticket a couple hours before I posted this on Atlassian Answers. It's still not assigned, it's

So anyways, I had a thought. What if it's my browser that's causing this oddness? So I vpn'd to work, tried to make any stage in any plan but this time I used IE9 instead of Chrome, and instead of Chrome saying "A Stage with this name already exists.", it spins for ~30 seconds and IE says "An unexpected error has occurred". I can open up Chrome, try it right now and it says the "stage with this name already exists" error message, while IE does the "unexpected error", simultaneously.

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James Dumay
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 11, 2011

Get in touch with Atlassian Support about this issue as this sounds like a serious issue with your Bamboo server. They can help you get this sorted out ASAP.

Steve Sawyer December 13, 2011

So with Atlassian's help, we've tried about 150 things, none of them successful. We were on 3.3, 3.3.3 does the same behavior. We wiped the server, started over with 3.4 with all defaults and so far it's working. I'm wiping bamboo-home out and setting it up again with our preferred settings, and testing it again. We'll see.

Steve Sawyer December 14, 2011

Alright, it broke again and I traced my steps backwards until i found the apparently offending change - setting the port to 80 in wrapper.conf.

Reading up, do I need to configure Bamboo to use the jetty.xml if i want to go away from port 8085? I saw the port in wrapper.conf and thought I could just change that (and it seemed to work at first).

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