Access to the list of people in group via Bamboo variable

MS October 9, 2019

I would like to add a plan launch notification. The "notification" function only allows you to send notifications when the plan is completed. However, it can be set in plan to receive notification by a group.

I prepared a PowerShell script that will be called in the first Task in Stage. Is it possible to get a list of people from the bamboo group via bamboo variable? Something like $ {}?

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Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 11, 2019

Hi @MS

Bamboo does not provide a way to gather this information via variables nor REST APIs. This restriction will probably be enforced due to GDPR compliance reasons.

I guess the options you have would be:

  • Gather the user's email from LDAP via API and add it to a variable OR
  • Create a file in your build pipeline with the list of user' s emails (gathered either from the Bamboo UI or another method). Using an inject variable task to create a variable with the content you need.

There is a feature request to add an email task in Bamboo:

I hope that helps to clarify this scenario.

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