Lookupissues says "No related issues could be found", when in fact the JQL script shows there are

andycaseASA October 14, 2021

Lookupissues says "No related issues could be found"

I'm using Team-Managed-Software project on Cloud server.

I've set up a relatively simple automation JQL script 

a) scheduled every 5 mins

b) a simple script that guarantees to find issues (priority >medium)

c) will send email using simple content ie {{#lookupIssues}} * {{key}} {{/}}


When the rule runs, it says "No actions performed", and expanded it says

"No related issues could be found"

Well its quite clear that the JQL script finds 9 issues, so why doesnt it work?

JIRA Automation1.jpgJIRA Automation2.jpg.png




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andycaseASA October 14, 2021

my bad. I overlooked script I'd put in the "schedule", which returns 0 issues.

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