Hey there! I'm new here. I'm the CEO and co-founder of Weavy, an Atlassian Ventures portfolio company. I've been hacking away for a month now to create a platform to host hackathons, and it's finally done.
Our first hackathon we're hosting is Forge it! - we're creating it for trailblazers in the tech sphere to leverage the robust capabilities of Atlassian Forge and our building blocks.
Check it out here: Forge It! Hackathon: Innovate with Weavy & Atlassian Forge
We're not new to hosting hackathons - we had over 3,000+ participants over our different events - but this is the first time we do it on our own platform, so that's exciting.
Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this; if so - tell me. 😉