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Upcoming webinar: Assess and accelerate your migration

Hi migrations community!

I’m on the Cloud Migrations Demand Generation team at Atlassian and I wanted to share an upcoming webinar.

The webinar: Assess & accelerate: De-risk your complex cloud migration

What we’ll cover:

When planning your cloud migration, it's essential to assess your current data landscape in relation to your desired future state in cloud. Careful planning helps mitigate and reduce risks, ensuring a smoother and swifter transition to cloud, especially for large enterprises with complex data architectures.

At Atlassian, our enhanced assessment process ensures a strong start by thoroughly evaluating your data and comparing it against known risks. We'll share resources to help you get started, outline your options for hands-on support, and have experts available to answer your questions at the end of the webinar.

When you can join us: We’re offering multiple timeslots so you can join at whichever time works for you.

US: June 20th, 2024 at 11:00 AM PST (Los Angeles)
AU: June 25th, 2024 at 11:00 AM AEST (Sydney)
EU: June 25th, 2024 at 11:00 AM CET (Amsterdam)

Who’s speaking:

  • Mark Lang, Senior Senior Strategic Engagement Manager

  • Ali BenCafu, Product Manager

  • Casey Chatman, Product Marketing Manager

Register here

We hope to see you there :slight_smile:



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