is it true i can renew maintenance for Server licenses before 15/02/2024?
And that in this case i'll have the right to install security patches even if no more bug fixing will be available?
Which the release starting from the security patch will be available?
Many thanks Alessandro
Too expensive, I'll stay with no support
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Yes, you can renew up to the 15th of February. After the 15th, you will not be able upgrade at all. (Atlassian rarely releases patches, preferring to include fixes in new versions).
It is very unlikely that a patch will be released in the next month, and after the 15th Feb, only security patches will be released. All the server software has had a last "long term support" version, which is likely to be the only one that will get patches.
So I wouldn't bother, unless you need to upgrade to the last long term support release before all upgrades and support stop.