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Atlassian Cloud Migration: It's all about strategy not tragedy ☁️

Way back in July (when summer seemed to be here!) We were honoured to host ‘Your Journey to the Atlassian Cloud’ alongside our sponsors Atlassian and AppFox.

As you may have guessed, the theme was focused in on Atlassian Cloud Migrations and to kick off the conversation was Emma Thomas, Head of Operations at AC.

Why do I mention this now you may ask? Well, she discussed how to plan your migration strategy to ensure that you have the best possible journey to the Atlassian Cloud. Sound interesting? Read the highlights below or catch it in full on-demand.

Atlassian Cloud Migration: Strategy Not Tragedy

Emma tackled the key things to consider when planning your Cloud migration strategy and highlighted some of the key pitfalls that you might want to avoid. Outlining that when defining your migration strategy and method, you might want to

assess the existing landscape of Atlassian applications and determine if there is anything that needs to be done prior to migrating.

You may also need to consider if your Atlassian applications are stable and performant, if you need to upgrade your instance to a later version that is compatible with a migration to the Cloud, and you may need to understand how your applications are currently configured.

Emma also outlined that you may need to consider reducing the number of migrations required, aim to minimise the amount of data that is migrated and be sure to perform data clean up and configuration optimisation activities as part of the migration.

Keep these considerations in mind when planning your migration and you should be on for a winner 🏆

During her talk, Emma shared with us some valuable insights into her recommended approach for your migration strategy. In case you didn’t catch it, here are the highlights:

  • Perform a trail migration
  • Accept compromise when necessary
  • Regularly engage with customers, keep them updated throughout the process and involve them in user acceptance testing.
  • Use major change as an opportunity for optimisations, performance and standardisation.
  • Utilise a phased approach.

💭 Want to know more? Feel free to ask questions below or continue the conversation with Emma to discuss all things Atlassian Cloud. 

The full webinar is also on-demand and free to watch here.



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