Atlassian has always been at the forefront of imagining the new future of work and AI is no exception.
At Team ‘24 we announced Rovo to the world: an entirely new product built on a shared Cloud Platform that helps teams act on organizational knowledge with human-AI collaboration. Five months later, at Team '24 Europe, we announced Rovo’s General Availability.
Now, with the help of ACE Community Leaders, we’re taking Rovo on tour to multiple cities between January and April 2025.
Join us at the roadshow and hear directly from the Atlassian Rovo team about how Atlassian is Rovo-lutionizing teamwork and changing the fabric of how teams get work done. Learn how partnering with AI can accelerate your work: whether you’re part of a dev team building the next amazing product, a marketing team creating unique campaigns, or a service agent supporting customers.
Learn how to use Rovo to enhance collaboration and organizational performance, and how you can achieve more in less time no matter the task or team:
Amplify productivity and efficiency across the Atlassian Cloud ecosystem with powerful GenAI workflows for any team or task
Modernize team workflows for improved business outcomes
Optimize your entire software lifecycle to get to market faster
Accelerate service-desk efficiency to delight employees and customers
Enhance service reliability and efficiency through AI-driven workflows, automation, and insights
Connect with fellow community members, leaders, and Atlassians to share insights and experiences
Discover tips and tricks to streamline collaboration with AI and boost productivity across every team
Unlock an exclusive Community badge. All attendees will earn a unique Community badge for joining us at any city on the tour.
All event pages are LIVE! Register, secure your spot, save the date, and be part of the Rovo-lution for one or more of the following cities:
Join us, get inspired, and see how Rovo can transform your team’s collaboration and productivity journey.
See you on the road! 👋🏻
Raef Makrai