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How do I see backlog of all Requested Accesses on my Confluence space?

Riaz_ Muhammad Usman March 27, 2024

Hi, we use the standard Confluence at our workplace and due to sensitive content stored, we have restricted quite a few pages in our space. A lot of people will have the links to those pages and will click on the Request Access button, which generates an auto email to me or one of the admins of our space. 

My question is, is there a place to go in our confluence where we can see a list of all the people who had requested access to a page? I believe it would be a much faster way of reviewing and granting access accordingly rather sifting through my mail box.

Thanks in advance!

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Ste Wright
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March 30, 2024

Hi @Riaz_ Muhammad Usman 

I don't believe there is a method of seeing these in Confluence - this help page states...

Grant permission

If someone asks permission to view or edit a restricted item, we'll email whoever is in the best position to grant permission.


Riaz_ Muhammad Usman May 12, 2024

That's unfortunate especially if you have a page intended to be used by many in the organization :( Could possibly be an improvement suggestion. 

Anyhow, thanks for the answer Stephen. 

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