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AccountID look like change

Tomoya Watanabe August 11, 2023

Hello, I am uging Jira and managing it by REST API.

So I need to use accountID to create tickects for my members, but accountID looks like changed it structure and I cannot user account ID with new accountID structure.






I am usually get accountID by filtering with person in my active scripts or backlog then I can get accountID from URL on browser with assignee query.


Does any one help us?

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Tomoya Watanabe August 27, 2023

Resolved Problem:







This is my misunderstanding, correct New account ID was below:


I got accountID from URL bar in browser so [ : ] is encoded as %3A, that's why REST API was not working.

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Vikrant Yadav
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August 12, 2023

Hi @Tomoya Watanabe Account ID unique for every user, it never changes. 

You can use this API to get all users Account ID :



Tomoya Watanabe August 13, 2023



I got information from the API with MaxResults query(our workspace has more than 50 users so I need to add maxResults query)


However, I cannot control Jira with account ID because of user id structure has changed.


New accountID structure is below from user API:



It is obviously changed from old style so I cannot identify how to put this id in request body.


ASCII code encoding( : -> %3A) is not working and aoso native : is not working.


What I want to know is not how to get accountID, how to put new accountID scheme in request body.

Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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August 14, 2023

@Tomoya Watanabe  Are you using Project automation to create issues or you are using REST API call for creating issue in jira ? 
During issue creation, you need account id for reporter field ? 

Tomoya Watanabe August 14, 2023

@Vikrant Yadav 

I am using REST API, not Project Automation and I want to use account id for assignee field.

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