Stuck building table with issues list and their linked epics

Krzysztof Achinger June 7, 2022

This will be a generic question because I am not even sure how to start. My goal is to build a table with issues and their corresponding Epic Names if the issue is linked to an epic.

I found that some data lives in Jira Issue Field table where I can find Epic Name and Epic Link in the Name column and some values in Value column, however Epic Link corresponding values are some numbers and I am not sure how to make a connection between those numbers and epic names to be displayed in a table.


I have issue ABC-123 that has Epic Link to an epic XYZ-321 with an Epic Name "Test". I want a table that displays following columns and corresponding values:

| Issue Key | Linked Epic Name |
| ABC-123  | Test                        |

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Matthew Lempitsky
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 7, 2022

So I started looking at this, and I believe I have come up with a solution. It looks like the "value" for the Issue Link field will be the "Issue Ref" value of the Issue. I have created what I hope is what you're after:

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns with this approach. 

Krzysztof Achinger June 13, 2022

@Matthew Lempitsky this is exactly how I wanted it to work. Thank you! I am yet to wrap my head around how Issue Ref links with Value, but it is secondary now. I can move on with building the dashboard. One comment is that I used Join Inner instead of Outer, perhaps because not all my issues have epics linked.

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