I want to join in Team ID for an Issue ID

Svante Esbjörnsson
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March 29, 2023

totally new to this tool.
I have selected a few columns and they appear in my table as I want. Now I want to join in Team ID (or Team Name). When I scroll down I see Team -> Team ID under OPSGENIE but I have no idea how to get that into my table...
suggestions welcome

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Karin van Driel
March 30, 2023

@Svante Esbjörnsson 

We don't use OPSGENIE in my org, so I don't have any data for that and cannot give you a specific solution for your scenario, but thought maybe this general steer might help.

If you go into the Data menu and select your data source, you should see a menu item called Schema. Click on that and then click the Visualize button. This should give you a diagram of all your tables, with lines of how they connect to eachother. Find the OPSGENIE data table you mention and see which field has a line going out of it and to which table. If this is a table you use  in your query already, you can simply create a join between those tables where OPSGENIE data point = main table data point. 

Hope that might help you find your answer on how to connect your data...

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