Make a private project public

Sandro Ruch April 8, 2024


we have started using Atlas as a company-wide communication platform about goals, projects and initiatives. In the Standard plan one can create projects with a "private" attribute. This sounds reasonable due to limit the visibility of some initiatives at the beginning or at all. 

My question is now: why can't I turn a initially marked as private project into a public one? This is a reasonable use case when - in the beginning - you want to limit access to a project but with time open it to the public. Archiving it is not really a good option since you loose all the information you gathered along the path like decisions, risks and insights as well as all the updates. If you want to "hide" this you always can create a new project but this is not always the case.

We would vote for this option since it is more reasonable than the other way round (make a public project private).



1 answer

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Yerbol Nisanbayev
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 10, 2024

Hi @Sandro Ruch 

I am from the product team here at Atlas.

This is awesome feedback and we have received it from other customers too. I will add your input for the team to consider when they prioritise this feature.


Wes Mason
I'm New Here
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June 25, 2024

Any updates on this? I just run into this problem as well

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