Atlas: Removed user still receives notifications

Genevieve Eddison February 6, 2024

A user who has left our company, and their account has been disabled and removed from our Atlassian account, is still receiving email notifications from Atlas. 

When I go to a Goal in Atlas, I can still see their name under Followers.
It's not possible them as a follower on Atlas. 

How do I prevent this? 

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Carlos Garcia Navarro
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February 8, 2024

Hi @Genevieve Eddison ,

It seems like users don't have the ability to remove followers as described here:

But if the account doesn't exist, or the user is deactivated, they shouldn't be receiving notifications. Have you checked this?:


Genevieve Eddison February 8, 2024

That answer suggests that you have to use the API to remove the user? Surely since users are managed in the same place for Atlas and Jira, then removing one removes them from Atlas? Seems like bug to me.

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