New year, new features - Detections, actor timeline, suspend users

Hi Atlassian Community,

As we welcome the excitement of the new year, we are delighted to kickstart 2024 by introducing new features in Beacon. So, settle in and check out what’s new and improved.

Bringing you more (and improved) detections!

Since our October announcement, we’ve been working hard at refining our existing detections while also building new ones. We’re excited to share a total of 9 new detections across both our user activity & content scanning catalog.



To get a refresher of our detections, see What events does Beacon detect? 

Making it easier to see an actor's recent activity

We made it easier to view the actor’s activities by totalling all of their recent alerts, in addition to creating a dedicated panel that allows you to see the 5 activities the actor did before and after the alert was triggered. You can access both of these from within the alert details page.


To get to the detailed actor profile page, click on the actor’s name or More activity from the actor panel.

Making it quicker to suspend users

Found something suspicious? We’ve reduced the number of steps it takes to suspend a user. You can now click on the suspend button directly from the actor timeline and the actor profile pages. 


Need assistance or want to share your feedback? Feel free to comment below.

Stay vigilant, stay secure!


Beacon team


Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 22, 2024

Thanks for the updates. I like the ease of viewing an actor's activity inside of the alert.

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Tygrr DosRemedios
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 23, 2024

We're excited to be cooking up custom content scanning detections for all of you too! You'll be able to search for an exact term as part of the first iteration (also in real-time when a Confluence page is published).

Like Matt Tse likes this


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