Hello, I am seeking your advice in the following case: I have a personal bitbucket accout that I have used for many years. Yesterday, the e-mail address of my bitbucket account was inadvertently...
Hi, How create classification level. this link to the documentation is Broken https://support.atlassian.com/security-and-access-policies/docs/manage-classification-levels/ r...
Hello Community!, A few days ago, I worked on a project that required changing the IdP connection, and I want to share with you a few tips about it. In this case, the new IdP uses anothe...
...resentando nuevamente las últimas novedades de Atlassian Cloud: 🔹 Rovo: diseñado para optimizar la eficiencia en tus herramientas. 🔹 Guard: pensado para reforzar la seguridad de tus sistemas. ¡No d...
Hello Atlassian Community! We have some exciting news to share with you – direct from Team ‘24 Europe: Atlassian Guard Premium is generally available! This is a massive step forward in b...
Hey Folks, I need some help and your valuable suggestions. Atlassian Setup I have: Atlassian Access (Guard) JIRA premium Confluence premium For User Accounts: Azure AD I w...
Hi Atlassian community, Our organisation is a charity, and we've been benefiting from a 100% discount on Atlassian Guard Standard under Atlassian's charity pricing program. Now that Atlassian Guard...
Dear Community leaders, I was trying to use "unclaim accounts" in Atlassian Guard, attached the .csv file with the e-mail Id's , I got a mail stating that it is successfully unclaimed, but i c...
...omplex topics. Stay Updated: Kept abreast of any updates or changes to the exam content or structure, specially because the Atlassian university team updated content around Atlassian Guard - formally k...
Hi DC Community, We are thrilled to introduce our latest product concept: Atlassian Guard Premium integration with Data Center. As you may already know, Atlassian unveiled our new s...
...roducts and how they log in. If your organization needs additional security controls, you can explore Atlassian Guard easily from the new security guide. Announced at Team '24, A...
...roducts and how they log in. If your organization needs additional security controls, you can explore Atlassian Guard easily from the new security guide. Announced at Team '24, Atlassian Guard is o...
...ntegrated tools within the platform offer substantial productivity advantages for users. Guard: Enhance your security posture Atlassian has fortified its cloud security product with Atlassian Guard, o...
I'll kick it off tl;dr I'm a HUGE fan of Atlassian Guard as it elevates the need for better features around meeting growing compliance needs to land/migrate enterprises in Atlassian Cloud. With t...
👋 Community! Avinoam from Confluence automation here again and today I'm proud to announce that you can now leverage automation rules in Confluence based on the all-new Atlassian Guard's data c...
Welcome to the Atlassian Guard community group! Join this group to stay up to date and connect with other security-conscious customers. Today, at Team '24, we announced Atlassian Guard, which m...
...ntroduction of threat detection & response capabilities with the Beacon beta program in 2023. Today, at Team '24, we announced Atlassian Guard - our next chapter in cloud security and a big step f...
...ater to general availability as part of our newest security offering. Today, at Team '24, we announced Atlassian Guard, which marks our next chapter in cloud security and a big step forward as we c...
Hi, is there any sight on when Beacon will become available again. I've liked the product and the potential and so are our customers. What are the plans for Beacon for customers are not in the beta...
Hi Atlassian Community, As we welcome the excitement of the new year, we are delighted to kickstart 2024 by introducing new features in Beacon. So, settle in and check out what’s new and improved. ...
Hi Atlassian Community! Just as the season shifts and the vibrant colors of fall begin to unfold, we're thrilled to bring you some exciting changes of our own! So, grab a cup of hot apple cider, se...
Hey All, I just wanted to come here and post my latest article regarding Atlassian Access & the wider platform regarding the security enhancements it has recently seen. You can check out the ar...
Hey All, I just wanted to jump on here and post an article I wrote not too long ago on Atlassian's Point A products and how vital they are to Atlassian. You can view the article HERE. Atlassian h...
Being highly impressed by the abilities of beacon and planning to integrate it into our JIRA work space - may I kindly know if Beacon's functionality is only limited to sending alerts of a threat or ...
Hello Beacon Community! Want to learn more about Beacon and how you can use Atlassian’s newest security product to detect, investigate and respond to potential threats? Watch our demo to learn ...
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