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How to Link an Initiative to an Epic with a Parent link

If you use Advanced Roadmaps, it can be a bit of a pain to update the parent link for each Epic after you create it. If multiple people on your team are creating Epics, you have to make sure everyone consistently remembers to update the parent link, which leaves a lot of room for human error.

You probably would like to be able to create Epics directly from Initiatives and set the parent link while you’re creating the Epic. You might even want to be able to automate the adding of Epics to an Initiative level issue during workflow updates.

Thanks to Elements Copy & Sync, Jira users can create Epics from an Initiative and automatically link them. You can even go further and synchronize fields between the Initiative and Epic if you want. Streamlined processes and consistency guaranteed.

Create an Epic from an Initiative.png


How to create an Epic from an Initiative with the parent link

In this example, we will create an Epic from an Initiative with the key INI-1.

Let’s see how to configure your recipe so that a "Parent link" is automatically created between INI-1 and the Epic created from it.

Step 1

Create a recipe called "Create Epic"



Step 2

Go to Source step and make sure the recipe is available on your Initiative.



Step 3

Go to the Target step and select Issue Type "Epic" We will also set the project as “Same as source issue” to make it quicker to create issues (but you can also leave this blank or select different projects).

In the "Monitoring" section, use the Create a link to source issue field to select "Has parent".



Step 4 (optional)

If you want to set fields in the Epic, open the Content step, then the Field mapping options, and configure the fields you want to copy. You could set the Target Start or Target End for example. You can add synchronization if you want it, for example in case you need changes in the Initiative to be automatically updated in the Epic.



Step 5

Save and active the recipe



Step 6

Open an Initiative, and trigger the recipe



:clap: Congratulations, you’ve just automatically linked an Epic to an Initiative thanks to Elements Copy & Sync.

Want to go further?

Learn how to add a recipe as a post-function to a workflow transition, or how to trigger the recipe with Automation thanks to the REST API.



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