Top 10 defects Impacting Testing in Adaptavist test management does not show correct numbers

Ray Marshall May 17, 2018

I am trying to add the Top 10 defects impacting testing to a JIRA dashboard but cannot get the correct figures to be displayed. I have 2 defects that have 10 test cases impacted, but these do not show when the report is ran. The only way I can get these to appear is to set a filter using the test runs that contain these tests however when I add further runs these are removed again?


I have tried to set the tests, runs and plans up using the same structure:-

Test cases:-

  • Release xx
    • Work Item
      • Story (tests added here)

Test Runs

  • Release xx Test Runs
    • Work Item
      • Story (run added here)

Test Plans:-

  • Release xx Test Plans
    • Work Item (plan added here)


I have tried to report on issues on a work item (epic) however the only way I can see the correct number is to only add test runs relevant to the story and adding further test runs causes the correct number to be lost and no longer displayed?

Have I set the folder structure up wrong or is there something else that is causing this?





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