New features on Backlog Epic and Version lists

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
August 24, 2017

UPDATE: The release is ready and we plan to ship it to marketplace on the 26/04/2018.


33.Filter Epics.png

01.JQL Epics Lists.png


New Features

  • Full JQL filtering support for Epics & Versions backlog lists
  • New Epics & Versions filter by estimate - story points, original estimate, business value, time spent
  • Lock Epics & Versions filtering to main search bar
  • New Epics & Versions private and shared filter types 
  • Quick save / load JQL filters on Epics & Versions backlog lists
  • Hide epics not assigned to a selected version on the Versions list
  • New Epics & Versions filters: completed, estimated
  • Include epics for selected version - Epic assigned to a selected version will become active
  • Build-in help for Versions & Epics lists filtering
  • Filtering panels in accordion - collapse / expand filters
  • Clear all filters on the Epic and Versions panels
  • Show version label option on the Epic panel ** to *i*dentify epics assigned to a single or more versions
  • Release notification Jira administrator configuration config


  • Spartez Agile Cards app 4.5.x compatibility
  • Jira  7.9. x empty JQL queries feature support 
  • Jira 7.9.x version wildcards support 


Any other ideas/requests?





eXtensi CEO



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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August 24, 2017

I really like the four Epic filters you've done there.

Probably a little bit of overkill, but also I find myself filtering for unusual Epic sizes as well as unestimated.  Imagine you've got 50 epics, with a mean average size of 100 story points.  An average doesn't tell me much, I'd like to be able to pull out the epics that have 500 points or 3 points.  Items that are a long way off the average probably need attention.

Also, Epics with flagged issues would be handy for chasing up blockers.

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
August 24, 2017

Nice ideas thank you.

What do you think to move all the possible options to board configuration. So a team(per board)\jira admin (globally)\user could choose what kind of filters should be visible?


PS. chackout the demo



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 24, 2017

I think the board admin would naturally look to the board configuration for this.  Good idea!

fabrizio galletti August 24, 2017

Add the capability to SHOW only epic that are "result" of the current quickfilter selection

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
August 24, 2017

@fabrizio galletti

But that would filter the epic list using a JQL.

Issues in the backlog and epic list would be limited the same way. 


For example: 

Let's say story issue type would use components and epics not (no component field at all for issue epic type).

In such scenario a quick filter "components in..." would hide all epics on the panel and show issues on the backlog list only.

That would be a mess!!!

Have you considered this?

What is your use case?

Lalit Mehta August 25, 2017

A nice way to do this might be to have one of the checkboxes be "Apply Board filter", so the user has the option to apply the same filter or not. 

Another approach might be to allow having the Filter text box in the "epics" panel actually be a full JQL text filter (advanced), so user has full flexibility and can copy-paste the board filter (advanced mode) to the epic or version panel. 

Best might to have JQL text box, as well as the "Apply board filter" check box. That way user can use the same filter as the board (and not have to copy paste it), or override it with a different filter, as needed for the situation.  

A use case I can think of will be:

I want to see all the Epics and backlog for a particular "Customer" value. Both epics and stories have Customer field. I can apply the "Customer" filter to the board and quickly see only the epics and stories that affect that particular customer. 

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
August 25, 2017

Hi @Lalit Mehta

The JQL input seems to be reasonable.

Maybe a JQL icon that would switch the input from live search to Full JQL mode an the othe way around.

The checkbox hmmm.. may be usefull in such scenario.

So I'd say if you are in Advanced mode and checkbox is selected the field should be read only and every time you use the Agile Board Filter the Epic JQL field should be updated automatically. 

Keep in mind that Live Search is super fast and JQL mode will be slow.

fabrizio galletti August 25, 2017

@Prem Chudzinski _extensi_ i was thinking....


Sometime i've noticed that for large team organization you need to filter not only the story but the list of epic too..

This in my vision can be done in 2 different ways:

- Show only the epic resulting in the current filter selection: starting from the quickfilter, get the list of epic that are used by the story filtered 

- Apply the same filter to epic..


In my experience the first one can help a lot, the second one can create a lot of misunderstanding so a different way to filter epic should be fine. I like the proposal of a "jql" filter 

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
August 25, 2017

Hi @fabrizio galletti

So your first option would be something like:

- Restrict the list of epics only to Epics linked to displayed issues 


Is that correct?

fabrizio galletti August 25, 2017

Yep, but in order to have this working after that we need some kind of "lock" so we can change the filter and epic remain in list..


sound complicated. It's a proposal, right now it's impossible to have a decent plan on this dashboard, hope you figure out a good solution

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
February 2, 2018

@fabrizio galletti

The feature has been added and its called Sync to issues

JQL including lock is coming next :)

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
September 11, 2017

The filtering shown on the screen has been released.

Right now we're looking at some new filters and improvements.

Stay tuned and bring all ideas to us.
Even the craziest one! We'll do it.

Barry Kaplan
September 30, 2017

I find the link between the selection version and epic a bit confusing. It seems that the epic's version is based on the versions of the issues within it. But if the epic has an explicit version that value is ignored. 

This makes it hard to use this view to plan out a few versions where the epics have already been allocated to the versions. For example, if I have three version and a few dozen epics, with no issues yet, each assigned to one fo the three versions, when I select a version all of epics are dimmed -- including the epics with the selected version.

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
October 1, 2017

Hi @Barry Kaplan,


Soon we're going to release a full JQL filtering of Epic / Version panels and I think that is going to resolve your use case.

You'll be able to filter out epics by version using the JQL mode and the tickets using the Filtering Bar.  

That way you'll not have to select individual versions on the panel.




Anyway that is an interesting idea to introduce some kind of "unlock" icon that would disable epic filtering while navigating through the version panel. I'll add it to our backlog.




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Jose Burgos
I'm New Here
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October 16, 2017


Is this new filtering going to be released for Kanban too?



Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
October 16, 2017


Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
March 5, 2018

@Barry Kaplan

OK we've implemented the feature now we need to name it:


1. Include epics

2. Include epics for selected version

3. Include epics' version

4. Include epics' Fix Version 

5. Include epics allocated to selected version

6. Include epics using selected version



What's your opinion?

Kleber Fonseca
April 19, 2018

This is exactly what I need.


These options ("Include epics for selected version" e "hide inactive") are done in the latest version of Agile Board Filter for Jira Software plugin ?



Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
April 20, 2018

Hi @Kleber Fonseca,

Sorry to keep you waiting but we had to refactor 80% of the code, as this feature turned to be one super complex task to integrate with Jira Software :) 

The good news is, we are polishing the release and we plan to ship it next Tuesday :)





Kleber Fonseca
April 20, 2018


Next week we'll download the trial. I think that we'll buy this plugin. So much necessary.

We control our project at Scrum Boards and we use "Versions" to identify the projects.

Sometimes is useful to see all projects (Portolio usage) and sometimes or to some teams is useful to see only one project to plan and execute the issues.

By the way, the Version Painel is so poor... I would like to create fields, for example.


Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
April 27, 2018

We've released it


Stefan Feller
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 30, 2017

Waiting for a Customized JQL Filter on the Epic Panel. !! 

We would like to group our Epics  (depending on their Status) with custom JQL Filters on Epic Panel. Hope with the next release this case will be solved. 

Thanks in advance!


- PreetiD

Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
January 19, 2018

Hi everyone we've released sync to issue feature

More details and examples here


Kleber Fonseca
May 29, 2018



Can I filter Sprints to show in the backlog view ?


I have one Jira Project to my product and many development projects in my product. Each dev project is a "version".

So, with Agile Board Filter Plugin I can only one Board to all my dev projects just by choosing the "version".

My problem is to filter the Sprint because I have many teams in many differents projects ("versions") and each on with their own Sprints. All together we have dozens of Sprints of differents dev projects and a painfull hard work to use only one board to all dev projects. In this case, this plugin dont help me.

How can I filter Sprint just by choosing the "version"? Can I make a kind of linking between Sprint and Version?


Prem Chudzinski _extensi_
Atlassian Partner
May 30, 2018

Hi @Kleber Fonseca,


So you'd like to select a specific version from the version panel on the backlog and then Sprints should be filtered out. 


That is not possible as sprint on a backlog is a placeholder for issues.

If you remove it then how would you assign issues from the backlog to the empty sprint?

What is possible to create a live search for sprints itself.

That would work as our Epic Panel live text search - you'd have to enter a sprint name to hide all other sprints.

Creating a relation between version and sprint itself, hmm we could add an option hide empty sprints to the version panel. But its a very narrow use case.

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