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Write Test Cases for Automation Testing with Jira?

In this blog, we will explore the process of writing test cases specifically for automation. From determining which test cases to automate to crafting detailed and structured test scripts, you will learn how to develop automated test cases that optimize your development process and ensure quality.



1. Criteria for Automation 

Test automation plays a crucial role in modern software development, particularly as teams strive to enhance the efficiency of their testing processes. Automation enables development teams to run tests more quickly, more frequently, and more consistently than manual testing allows. As a result, automation reduces human error and improves coverage across various software versions and environments.

For automation testing, it is crucial to ensure that tests meet certain criteria to maximize efficiency and value:

  1. Repeatability: Focus on automating tests that teams execute frequently, such as regression and performance tests. These tests often involve repetitive tasks, making them ideal candidates for automation to save time and reduce manual effort. These tests involve repetitive tasks that greatly benefit from reduced manual effort, leading to significant time savings and improved accuracy.
  2. Consistency: The test should deliver the same result every time with identical inputs, ensuring predictability.
  3. Clear Objective: Automate tests that yield clear, measurable outcomes. Avoid automating tests that rely on subjective judgment, such as those focused on user experience or visual design. These tests often require human evaluation for accuracy and nuanced insight, making them unsuitable for automation. Instead, prioritize tests with objective, measurable outcomes. This approach ensures that automated tests remain focused on tasks that provide reliable, objective results.

By ensuring that your test cases meet these criteria, you set a solid foundation for an efficient and reliable automation framework. This approach helps save time and effort, while also delivering consistent, objective results, leading to more effective testing overall.


2. Identify Test Cases for Automation

It is important to recognize that not all test cases are suited for automation. Automation provides benefits like faster testing and consistent results. However, it is crucial to carefully select which test cases to automate to ensure the effort and investment are worthwhile. By prioritizing high-value, repetitive, and objective tests, teams can optimize the effectiveness of automation. This strategy helps avoid unnecessary complications with tests that rely on subjective human judgment.

By focusing automation efforts on measurable, repeatable tasks, teams ensure that the process remains efficient, reliable, and aligned with project goals. Therefore, when deciding which test cases to automate, it is crucial to focus on those that are repetitive, time-consuming, and highly valuable to the testing process.

Types of Test Cases Suitable for Automation:

  • Repetitive Tests: Test cases that must be executed frequently. For example, regression tests are excellent candidates for automation. Automating these ensures that, with every new code change, existing functionality remains intact without requiring repeated manual effort.
  • Data-driven Tests: Tests that require running the same logic with different sets of data are ideal for automation. By automating data-driven tests, you can ensure consistency across various scenarios and reduce the likelihood of human error when handling multiple inputs.
  • Smoke Tests: Smoke tests, which check the core functionalities of an application, benefit from automation as they can be run quickly after each build. Automating these tests provides instant feedback, allowing teams to catch critical errors before further testing takes place.
  • Performance Tests: By automating performance tests, you can simulate large numbers of users interacting with your application under various conditions, which would otherwise be difficult to replicate manually. This allows teams to identify bottlenecks and ensure that the application performs as expected under load.

Thus, focusing automation on these types of tests ensures that teams maximize their efforts, saving time and resources while improving test coverage and reliability.


3. Identify Test Cases to Avoid Test Automation

While automation can improve efficiency, it is important to recognize that some test cases are better suited for manual testing. Automating the wrong tests wastes resources and creates unnecessary complications. Teams must identify which tests should not be automated to avoid inefficiencies. By actively choosing the right tests, teams ensure their automation efforts remain focused and productive, ultimately maximizing efficiency and value in the testing process.

Types of Test Cases Unsuitable for Automation:

  1. Exploratory Tests: Exploratory tests rely on human intuition, creativity, and the ability to uncover unforeseen issues within an application. Since these tests do not follow predefined scripts, automating them would strip away their value. Consequently, exploratory testing should remain a manual process where testers can adapt and explore based on real-time findings.
  2. Frequently Changing Requirements: Automating tests for features that are still under development or subject to frequent changes can become an unnecessary burden. If the requirements for a feature are constantly evolving, the automated test cases will require regular updates. This can result in significant maintenance costs that outweigh the benefits of automation.
  3. One-time or Rarely Used Tests: Automating tests that will only be run once or on rare occasions is often not worth the effort. It is more efficient to run these tests manually rather than investing time in automating scripts that may never be used again.
  4. Tests Requiring Complex Human Interaction: Tests that involve evaluating user experience, accessibility, or subjective aspects of the interface are not well-suited for automation. These tests depend on human judgment to assess factors such as ease of use and intuitiveness, which automated tools are unable to evaluate accurately.

By carefully distinguishing which test cases should remain manual, you can focus your automation efforts on tests that offer the most value, leading to a more efficient and effective testing process.


4. Test Case Requirements for Automation

After identifying the test cases to automate, it is equally important to ensure that these test cases meet the necessary requirements for automation. A well-automated test case must be clear, predictable, and reusable across different environments. Additionally, it should be structured in a way that minimizes the need for frequent updates and maintenance.

Key Test Case Requirements:

  1. Stability: Automate only those test cases that involve stable features within the application. Tests related to features that are still under development or prone to frequent changes can lead to unnecessary rework and wasted effort. Therefore, ensuring the stability of the feature under test is critical for efficient automation.
  2. Clarity: Write test cases in a clear, concise manner. Each test case should have a well-defined purpose, clear inputs, and expected outputs. This clarity ensures that the automated scripts can execute without ambiguity or confusion.
  3. Reusability: A good automated test case should be designed for reusability. It should work across multiple environments, such as development, staging, and production, with minimal adjustments. Additionally, reusable test cases can be applied to different scenarios, further increasing their value.
  4. Data Independence: Ensure that automated test cases are not dependent on hard-coded data. By allowing test cases to accept different input data dynamically, you enhance their flexibility and applicability in a variety of situations.

By adhering to these requirements, you ensure that your automated test cases will run efficiently and remain maintainable in the long term. Moreover, designing test cases with these qualities in mind will reduce the risk of failure and unnecessary troubleshooting.


5. Write Test Cases for Automated Testing

When it comes to managing and documenting test cases for automated testing, teams have several methods available. While basic tools like Google Sheets may be sufficient for small projects, platforms like AgileTest offer a more comprehensive solution for managing complex test cases, especially for automation. 

AgileTest allows teams to create structured test cases, often starting with clearly defined requirements. For each test case, multiple test steps can be defined. 

AgileTest also provides an AI generator that automates the creation of test cases and test steps. This automation feature helps save significant time and effort by streamlining the process and reducing the need for manual input.


AgileTest’s integration with Jira further enhances its value, enabling teams to link individual test cases to specific Jira issues. This feature simplifies tracking and ensures a centralized system for managing both automated and manual test cases. By keeping everything in one place, AgileTest not only makes test case creation easier but also improves organization across projects. This, in turn, enhances collaboration and boosts overall efficiency for teams using it.

In automated testing, where the clarity and structure of test cases are crucial, using a dedicated tool like AgileTest helps teams avoid the common challenges of manual documentation. AgileTest allows teams to efficiently manage test cases, automate their generation, and link them seamlessly to development tasks. This ensures that the entire automated testing process stays organized and remains aligned with the project’s workflow, ultimately leading to more effective testing and smoother collaboration.

Try AgileTest out to start testing now → Atlassian Marketplace.


6. Conclusion

To conclude, writing effective test cases for automated testing is a critical part of the software development process. Automation can significantly improve testing efficiency, but only when the test cases are well-written, well-structured, and designed for reusability. Therefore, you should focus on automating test cases that are repetitive, stable, and data-driven, as these offer the most value to the automation process.

Ultimately, writing automated test cases is about more than just speed—it is about precision, clarity, and efficiency. By following the guidelines outlined in this blog, you can ensure that your automation efforts contribute to higher-quality software, faster development cycles, and improved user satisfaction.



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Sravan Indukur September 18, 2024

Hi @Peter_DevSamurai ,

Greetings of the Day.

Great article with elaborate explanation. Thanks you.



M Amine
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September 19, 2024

Fascinating article !

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