Working with Custom Fields in QARA Enterprise

Custom fields are options that the user can avail to customize the look and feel of the test case creation page. Some of the entities that come under custom fields include test sets, instances, issues and requirements. In this article, we shall learn how to create, configure and manage the custom fields in QARA Enterprise, a test automation tool developed by The Digital Group.

1] Creating Custom Fields

You can create Custom Fields in QARA Enterprise by following the path given below:

Options >>> Custom Fields >>> Create Custom Fields

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New custom fields can be created by filling in the details as shown in the screenshot below.

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2] Managing Custom Fields

You can create Custom Fields in QARA Enterprise by following the path given below:

Options >>> Custom Fields >>> Manage Custom Fields

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When the user clicks on ‘Manage Custom Fields’, the screen shows all the available custom fields, as shown in the screenshot below.

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*Note: The user can perform update/delete operations for the existing custom fields.


3] Configuring Custom Fields

You can create Custom Fields in QARA Enterprise by following the path given below:

Options >>> Custom Fields >>> Custom Field Configuration

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The user can link the custom field to the specific project, by filling in the details as shown in the screenshot below.

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The linked custom fields are available under the “Custom Fields” tab present on the Test Case Creation page, as shown in the screenshot below.

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4] Managing Custom Field Configuration

You can create Custom Fields in QARA Enterprise by following the path given below:

Options >>> Custom Fields >>> Manage Custom Field Configuration

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Clicking on the tab shows you the list of all the projects and associated custom fields. Here you can search custom fields for specific projects and you can remove custom fields from the project as and when required, as shown in the screenshot below.

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Custom Fields allow users to customize the test execution process. Once you get familiar with the basic steps to create, manage and configure the custom fields, it will be easier for you to configure QARA Enterprise platform, developed by The Digital Group, to cater to your specific requirements in testing.

QARA Enterprise now has an add-on for JIRA that will help users bring test management capabilities to the JIRA interface. Click to discover QARA – Test Management for Jira.

Interested to learn more about QARA Enterprise and its capabilities? Here are a few popular articles that focus on the different features of the test automation platform:



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