Private JQL filters are part of the Agile Tools & Filters for Jira Software app. The tools are available for Jira Server and Jira Data Center.
Instead of asking your Board Admin for new Quick Filters, any user can create a set of his own private filters. Board, Backlog or Epic Panel filters will be separated. It will simplify the way you find tasks on a board and backlog while working from home.
1. Use the search bar in basic or JQL mode to filter your board
2. Click "Save as" button on the top of the board or backlog
3. Give it a name and choose a filter type.
Board Admin can create shared filters available for all board users.
Remote scrum planning sessions can be challenging.
Let's have a look how to find an Epic faster:
1. Use the Search Box to find Epics by name or key
2. Use predefined flags like Unestimated & Uncompleted
3. Search for overestimated Epics using the MIN & MAX boxes
4. Use the Sync to issues flag to show Epics linked to Issues displayed on the board.
Before you plan your next Sprint, a Scrum Master can group Epics to reduce the meeting time. It can be done using Private Epic Panel Filters.
Some examples of Epic groups:
1. Unestimated Epics using Component "XYZ"
2. All completed Epics to be discussed during the session
3. All urgent Epics planned for the next release
How to create an Epic Panel filter:
1. On the Epic Panel click Edit JQL pencil icon.
2. Enter JQL or use the graphical search bar (Lock icon has to be clicked)
3. Click the search icon to filter the Epic Panel
4. Save your new filter using the "Save as" option.
Once you create a set of private or shared filters you can apply them to multiple boards. Board Admins can use this tool to prepare planning session filters for a specific project or just default filters for all users. It can be used to copy Quick Filters as well.
For more tools checkout the User Guide
Thank you,
The eXtensi team
Prem Chudzinski [extensi]
Founder of
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