Are you giving proper attention to your non-billable efforts?



It happens all the time: when planning project activities managers and team leaders tend to give more attention to the billable efforts, those ones the customers will pay for. But we all know projects are more than that.

During the daily activities teams perform internal tasks that are also important for the project such as team meetings, learning time, researches, etc. Customers will not be charged for these hours spent on internal activities although they impact the project/contract execution. The logic is simple: the less non-billable time you spend the higher are your project/contract margins.

In case you manage your team activities using Jira and Tempo, you probably noticed both applications do not offer a way to plan and track non-billable time by default. As a workaround you can add a “non-billable” category to the accounts, but it does not allow you to plan this time ahead in a simple and clear way.




With ContractsPro you can plan your billable amount during the contract creation, when you are defining the accounts and the teams to work on the activities. The “account slices” functionality allows managers to setup different accounts for the contract, define which one is billable and which is non-billable and also assign the work to up to 4 different teams. Even the non-billable efforts can be planned and distributed. In this way, you can concentrate in a single place not only the hours that will be consumed and invoiced to the customer but also the planned internal tasks you will have.






Both billable and non-billable efforts can be tracked via Delivery Report so you are always aware of the contract progress and monitor how much of the contract is consumed on internal activities. It helps not only to better track the contract margins but also tells you how the teams are spending their time.




In case you have more non-billable hours than planned, the report’s pie chart will turn into a bar chart. You can also see the teams that are exceeding the planned limits.






Based on these information you can anticipate productivity issues and keep teams always on the right track. Additionally you gain more visibility on the contract consumption and take batter decisions to increase the project/contract margins.

Sounds good, right? So try ContractsPro today and start making you team and project management more efficient!


Click here to try ContractsPro for FREE now!


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