☀️ Weekly Atlassian News Roundup by Jexo | 25th October 2021

Good morning community ☕️,

as every Monday we at Jexo prepared last week's Atlassian news roundup that you can enjoy watching while drinking your morning coffee/tea.
Jexo's Monday coffee podcast became one of the easiest ways to stay up to date with what's going on in the Atlassian ecosystem!


We run Monday coffee with Jexo podcast weekly on Youtube or Spotify, subscribe so you don't miss the next episode!


And here is a sum up of what we covered...

🗓 Don't miss out on a new event starting this week! Open DevOps starts October 26!


🚀 New improvements that were announced last week:


💰 The Atlassian Ventures invested in JumpCloud


🐶 If you feel like participating in some competition don't miss out on Taco Tuesday: Your favorite Trello blog takeaway


📚 And for the article of the week we have chosen the newly released study Unlocking The Value Of Open Collaboration To Drive Enterprise Agility


🏆 And last but not least BIG Congratulations to Atlassian folks for winning World's Best Workplaces award 👏 Atlassian has been named one of the World’s Best Workplaces!


Have a great week!



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