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Notifications for authors

Pavel_Pesetskiy August 14, 2015

At bamboo documentaion said: " In general, recipients do not require Bamboo user accounts." link

But when I set up the build to send notification to commiters the notification don't come.

Here is a few settings that I have.


Here is the list of authors for my account. I need the emails to be sent to the account marked red.

image2015-8-14 20:7:33.png

Here is the build notification configuration:

image2015-8-14 20:9:4.png

The build see the changes and the author when it launches:image2015-8-14 20:10:4.png

The only way to get notification work is to link the user and repository alias. But that's not manageable solution for a huge team. 

Could you please advise on this?

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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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August 30, 2015

The only way to get notification work is to link the user and repository alias. But that's not manageable solution for a huge team.

I'm afraid there is no other way at this point, and agree that Configuring notifications for a plan and its jobs is unclear/misleading in this regard - more specifically, you quoted:

In general, recipients do not require Bamboo user accounts.

I think this is only meant to emphasize that the Recipient Type does not need to be a Bamboo user by definition, rather supports arbitrary addressees for type Email Address too for example:

You can use email to send notifications to a person who is not a Bamboo user. Type the appropriate email address. [emphasis mine]

  • If you specify the email address of an existing Bamboo user, the user will receive notifications even if they have elected not to receive notifications in their user preferences.

Conversely, recipient type Committers seemingly needs to be a real Bamboo user indeed:

The Bamboo users who have committed code to a particular build since build was last checked out by Bamboo. [emphasis mine]

This interpretation of mine seems to be confirmed by the following two random finds in the Bamboo issue tracker:

We only send emails for committers when they have been mapped to a Bamboo user[...]

For events such as BuildHungNotification and BuildQueueTimeout etc, the build changes inside the currently building do not have the proper db authors, they have some dummy unlinked authors. This means you can't look up the user that belongs to that author and hence can't send a notification...

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