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April 17, 2016

This question is in reference to Atlassian Developer Documentation: JIRA REST APIs

I would like to integrate JIRA in our internal application, Create JIRA issues from the internal application using JIRA REST API  in java.  Should I authenticate everytime I create the issue. How Do i maintain the session and keep creating issues. We could use multiple users logging into the internal application to create JIRA issues

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Paddy Byrne April 18, 2016

Not sure if this helps really, but I was experimenting with something similar recently. If your internal app runs in a browser, the initial communication it sends to JIRA needs to authenticate and this should create a cookie. You can then reuse the cookie in subsequent calls. You can experiment with Advanced Rest Client in chrome to send a simple GET request. The first one you send you will need to add an Authorization header. Once you execute command, and assuming it authenticates correctly, look in the response header for something like JSESSIONID=9A6C2F03BE558FE..... You can add this to the header of subsequent calls (not sure how long till it expires though). Or, as you originally posted, you can just re-authenticate with every call. If you are not making a lot of calls that is sometimes just easier than having code to find the jsessionid and feed it to new calls... 

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 18, 2016

JIRA Cloud

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Ralph Whitbeck
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 18, 2016

Are you using JIRA Server or JIRA Cloud?

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