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How can I validate after save transition page

Marcial Atiénzar Navarro November 27, 2016


Previous to resolve an issue, we've a page transition, where developer can set time spent, how to test it, ... I need to validate this fields before changing the status to Resolved, but It forces to developer to edit issue, update this fields and then mark it as resolved. They can't do it on screen transition.


Is it possible?




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Marcial Atiénzar Navarro December 28, 2016


In resolve screen  i'm introducing time spent, but i can save it because validator tells me that it's required previous to resolve issue. How can apply this validation after save it?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 28, 2016

Yes, that's what a validator does - it checks that you have entered something.  You can't validate something after you've made a change, it's too late, you've already done it.

Marcial Atiénzar Navarro December 28, 2016

In some apps, we've pre a post validations. In JIRA is it possible to do this? Or how can I do it if it is possible?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 28, 2016

A validator is there to check you don't put invalid data in during a transition.  "post validation" is nonsense, you can't check something after you've committed a change.  I think what you're talking about is validating edits - further changes that have nothing to do with the transition.

JIRA doesn't really have readily accessible edit validation.

Marcial Atiénzar Navarro December 28, 2016

The workflow that i need is this:

(1) User --> clicks on transition

(2) JIRA --> pre validation to check if it's possible to do this transition

(3) User --> User edit issue and save

(4) JIRA --> post validation to check if it's possible to do it


I need step 4, but I don't know how to do it in jira. In other apps I can apply pre a post validation.


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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December 29, 2016

1 and 2 are merged together in JIRA and hidden from the user.  Conditions say "you can't start this transition unless you match these rules".

3 is the workflow transition screen that gathers data from the user

4 is the validators that stop the user from saving the data when it fails validation.

Your "post validation" in other applications is either

  1. Nothing to do with the transition and actually edit validation
  2. What validators already do - block the transition because stuff is wrong


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Marcial Atiénzar Navarro November 28, 2016


I've this validation with "Solucion incidencia JEE" as screen transtion, but it forces to the developer to edit the issue if sum(time spent) is null, He  can't add the time on the screen transition

Vasiliy Zverev
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November 28, 2016

It seems that you need custom field to store this addition like "time for resolving issue". After transition it should be automatically be added to time. 

But you will need some coding to do this addition. Is this solution suitable for you?

Marcial Atiénzar Navarro November 28, 2016

I need something else, bacause, no only I need to validate this field, also anothers, like test, ...

Vasiliy Zverev
Rising Star
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November 28, 2016

Have you tried a plugin from my answer? It allows to check multiply fields at single validator.

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Vasiliy Zverev
Rising Star
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November 28, 2016

You need a validator. Try free JSU plugin and "fields requred" validator.

Link to plugin:

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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November 28, 2016

You'll want to add validators to the transition to check that the issue data is suitable to allow resolve.

Your desired checks may require a little coding to create though.

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