Dynamicly create checklists with scriptrunner

Jakov Mihaljevic March 17, 2017


I'm new to script programming so I guess my problem should be easy to solve.

I want to realize a dynamic checklist like this:

-Create an issue

-select in one or more custom select lists (e.g. account types, media types) one or more items

-transition to "generate checklists"

-the transition should then *append* all item-specific checklists in the custom field checklists

-I guess that the item-specific checklists have to be maintained in the groovy script.


Thanks for helping.


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Niclas Sandstroem
Rising Star
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March 17, 2017

Hi Jakov,

It's never to late to start. You could check this suggested solution for inspiration.


Br, Niclas

AUG Leaders

Atlassian Community Events