I'm guessing many of you have noticed by now I truly love the moments when I get to celebrate the amazing people who comprise the Atlassian Community. And this is one of those moments! It's time to award the Random Acts of Community badge to those users who helped make the community a little brighter this month.
When a new user accidentally posted her question in the wrong place and possibly thought she was reaching out to Atlassian support, our community jumped in with lots of great responses anyway. In addition to our amazing leaders and partners, member @Carlos Faddul jumped in with a detailed answer that felt award-worthy to me. Thank you, Carlos!
I am so excited to be able to celebrate two users whose profiles still say "I'm new here," but who participated a lot in March by giving upvotes and likes to community content. @Léa Delacuvellerie - Twybee - gave over 40 likes and joined our new Atlassian en français group! Bienvenue, Léa! @Oz Edri also gave over 20 likes and posted his first answer. Welcome, Oz! We're so happy (and joyeux) to have you both!
We also really appreciate people like @Héctor Salvachúa who, although they may not have posted anything yet, are frequent visitors to the community. Héctor was the member who spent the most time on community this month. Thank you for visiting!
We have so much great content for Héctor and others to read because of members who use their time and expertise to help other users. A lot of them are Community Leaders, but some are not (yet?). This month, not one but two non-leaders were in the top ten overall, and so I want to celebrate @Trudy Claspill and @Bill Sheboy for generously helping our users with super useful and accurate answers. Thanks a million, Bill and Trudy!
Finally I want to celebrate the person who read the most posts this month. The report I ran included our leaders, our community support team, even (gasp) myself. And all of us were left in the dust by @Bridget, who read 7,402 posts and comments this month. Obviously the hardest working member of the Atlassian Communiteam. Enjoy your new piece of flair, Bridgie!
That's it for this month. As usual, I am always accepting nominations for Random Acts of Community. If you see something fun, funny, sweet, uplifting, or random. shoot me an email at communitymanagers@atlassian.com.
Monique vdB
Atlassian Community Manager
San Francisco Bay Area
75 accepted answers