We are looking for some solutions which can help us with better capacity planning/scheduling task for big teams.
We have 80+ people staff in our department and they are divided in 5-6 small/large teams based on skills people have. Our teams and team members are very diverse compare to a software development team. One team member knows jira and other team member knows some other tools. skills of users are very specific but very deep.
We are using SAFe practice in our department. We are trying to find solution which can help us manage to assign skills to team members and then feed the velocity/available time a team member can allocate in terms of hours/story points and then we want to assign this skills to Feature /Epic that management is requesting us to do and estimate how much of efforts would it require for each skills to develop the feature. And we need some short of capacity view which can help senior management to look at the road map and find what is doable.
I tried portfolio advanced road map (old /non improved interface) with stages which have this capability but we have too many skill set around 10 to15 team members which is really hard to manage for entire department of 80 people staff. So I wanted to reach out to you and see what tools which can integrate with jira server/addons in jira do you use at your organization to manage capacity planning with available skills in team?
Milan Ardeshana
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