Continuous Improvement - relentlesss or releasing?

Chris Boys
Rising Star
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August 29, 2024

Continuous Improvement (😔 Sigh).

Well, yes, it’s continuous, i.e. it doesn’t stop.

Sometimes the act of ‘improvement’ can feel relentless 😩 rather than freeing 😆.

Learning loops âž° are hard, because they require facing up to facts and taking action in response.

The best thing about them though, and this we know and see for sure: the faster a team learns, the faster they grow and the faster they go.

Jim Collins calls it the ‘Fly Wheel’ effect in ‘Good to Great’.

If you really want to build and embed sustained acceleration to market; build and embed your team learning loops.

Our approach  - we're an intelligence layer that sits on top of your favourite tools and shares suggestions to improve how you plan, track and review, cycle by cycle, sprint by sprint, iteration by iteration.

Team insights at your fingers, in real time, drawing from the facts told by agile productivity metrics and feelings captured in pulse health checks for your team.

All so you can see and act quicker with more impact.

Why would you want it to stop?

Performance - Fly Wheel.png

#teamproductivity #teamperformance #goodtogreat



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