Burndown chart - uploading Remaining Time Estimate

KM October 7, 2021

I have question is it write that I see on the burndown chart different time of uploading remaining time, ex:

1a.png1b.pngThe first dot shows that in case of raporting working time on task (two days after it had happened) red line doesn't drop down, and remaining time doesn't change but it happend in the moment when working time had been reported - so 3 days later. Is it okay or it should change the same time on green and red line?

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KM October 11, 2021


Thank You for this article, unfortunately I haven't found answer on my question there. I checked my board settings:JIRA - board settings.JPG

Is it correct?

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October 8, 2021

Without knowing all the details of your system configuration, I suggest you read through this article first.


KM October 12, 2021

I had problem yerterday with adding reply here, so I wrote answer above.

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