Stories, sub-tasks and burn down chart

Steven Yong May 8, 2018


I have a few stories in 1 sprint (2 weeks). I estimate story point for each story. 

I will have a few subtasks under a story.

Q1. My question is, as best practice, do I create these subtasks and provide time estimates before the start of a sprint?

Q2. Do I also need to provide Estimate Time at story level other than story point?

Q3. How about at subtask level, do I provide time estimates to see a meaningful burndown chart?

Q2. Does one normally also create subtasks and time estimates after the start of a sprint? Am I right to say this will impact burndown chart to go up?

Thank you.

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Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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May 8, 2018

1.The estimate must be done before the start of the sprint, otherwise it will affect the burndown chart

2.It depends on whether you use the story point or estimate the amount of work to make the burndown chart

3.The story estimates the story point, the subtask estimate the working hours

4.Maybe, for example, if there's a new demand, the burndown chart will show this part of the change

Steven Yong May 8, 2018

Thanks @Ollie Guan

Re 2, if i use story point, do i provide time estimate for my subtasks?

Or if I use Time Estimate, so I just need to provide these Time Estimate at both story and subtask level? And I can ignore story point at story level?

Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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May 8, 2018

Yes, I think they can be both, or just one.

Steven Yong May 8, 2018

Thanks @Ollie Guan, good one.

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