Portfolio not respecting backlog ranking or priority

Shay Darrach
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March 13, 2018

I have a project in Jira and Portfolio that is using a two-week sprint (current sprint is in progress and showing up correctly), with a stack-ranked backlog in Jira, and story priorities set as blocker or major. No epics are included.

Portfolio is currently filling upcoming sprints for a release with stories in the wrong order. That is, the backlog stack ranking is not maintained. 

I have looked through all the explanations of ranking and sorting and I cannot find a reason that portfolio would do this.  Can anyone offer an explanation?



Jira Cloud 958ff764

Portfolio for JIRA - 1000.105.0


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Liandro Rossini July 17, 2018

Hi Shay. 

So, same problem here.. 

As I understood, the logic is something like this:
- portfolio reads the stories at the right order 

- it will allocate the story1 to the week or sprint IF there is available "space" for it

- if there is not enough space for the story1, it'll get the next story(2) and try to allocate at the available space.. and so forth... that's the reason sometimes (or always) you don't have your planning at the order you've specified. 

- and worst.. it understands that epics (without stories) can be fitted anywhere.. at least for this problem we found a solution: create one story at this epic and use estimates here.

I don't agree with this behavior because it's not realistic. I won't start story 50 just because it fits at this week..  It's causing us a lot of problems here.. 

Bob Vincent
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August 10, 2018

That behavior is as designed, as confirmed to me by Atlassian.

I strongly disagree with this approach and have had to stop using Portfolio because of it. Backlog ranking is incredibly important and you should have control of it.

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