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Portfolio for JIRA: Why/when are dates assigned to the Later release?

Christophe De Roeck May 14, 2019

When I started using Portfolio, the Later release didn't contain any start or end date. But recently I noticed that in some cases (plans) a start and end date is actually assigned to the Later release...and the start date is not always after the end date of the last known release in the plan.

What is the reason for this? Can we change it? 

Thanks in advance

Later release.jpg

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Chiragkumar Rupani
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 24, 2019

Hi Christophe,

Later release is the placeholder for all the issues that scheduler cannot schedule into any of the releases. The Later release is used as a last resort by the scheduler.

The start date of the Later release is the start date of the issue starting first. User cannot change this date as issues cannot be assigned manually to Later release.

I hope this helps.


Portfolio for Jira.

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