Linking an issue type other than Epic to an Initiative as a Child Issue

Michelle Nguyen February 26, 2024



I have an issue type created which I would like to link as a Child Issue under an Initiative issue type. 

I am aware that I can use Issue Link to link the issue type with a relationship Ex) "Has parent task of..." but is there a way to use Parent Link instead? So it shows up under Child Issues of the Initiative.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

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Irina Mosina _TechTime_
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February 26, 2024

Hi @Michelle Nguyen 

Can you please confirm whether you are on Jira Software Premium and if you are using Team Managed vs Company Managed project template? This is how you'd know: 



If that's the case, then you can setup any type of hierarchy for any number of issue types and map then in the tier of choice here providing you have enough permissions to work with the Plan as admin: 




If none of this is available OR you already know all of this and I just misunderstood your predicament -  please let me know!

Michelle Nguyen February 26, 2024

My apologies, I posted this question in the Advanced Planning category by mistake.

I am asking about the Issue Link feature in general using Jira Software Data Center issue view screen. See below screenshot. 

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 3.21.17 PM.png

I would like a different issue type (non-epic) linked here as a Child issue, if possible.

I have added the Parent link field to the screen of the non-epic issue type and the Initiative issue type to the issue type scheme, but the Initiative does not appear as an option:

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 3.24.32 PM.png

Irina Mosina _TechTime_
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February 26, 2024

Actually, it's all good, because you would need to go to the same config screen to enable this. So on DC, you get the Plans by default. You, or your admin, can associate more than one issue type to the tier of hierarchy where Epics sit. 

Let me show you: 

Go to Plans/Administration. 


Then find Advanced Roadmaps/Hierarchy. 



Then add your OTHER issue type by clicking on the Epic icon, finding it on the list and selecting it. Once done, it should look like this, we have Epic and Discussion Point as children of Initiative now: DCLevels.png

Now I can link that other new issue type to my Initiative as a Child or vice versa, link an Initiative to this issue type as a parent, providing the Parent Link field is on the screen. 

Let me know how you get on!

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Michelle Nguyen February 26, 2024

Yes, that worked! Thank you so much, Irina!

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Mikael Sandberg
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February 26, 2024

Yes, that is possible. Just follow these steps:

  1. Select > Manage apps.
  2. In the menu on the left, select Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy configuration.
  3. Select or remove hierarchy levels you want to include in your plans.
  4. Select Save changes.

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