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JIRA Portfolio What API gives the Themes? If this is not available when will it be added?

ffngneiger July 11, 2019

JIRA Portfolio What API gives the Themes? If this is not available when will it be added? I looked through the APIs and it doesn't look like there is any API to call to get this information. 

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Alexander Bondarev
Rising Star
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July 12, 2019

Hello, @ffngneiger !

Interesting question!

What business case do you have?

ffngneiger July 15, 2019

Will create a webpage in an application outside of JIRA to show something like this: 


Something like below is what I will be creating both in custom website and also make available in slack through an AI bot that I have created. 

July 2019                                                August 2019
Summary Assignee FixVersion Theme Summary Assignee FixVersion Theme
Summary Assignee FixVersion Theme Summary Assignee FixVersion Theme


In the API there is no way that I could find to get the Theme. Didn't check the other data but normally that other data is there for the other items. 

Let me know if you need any more information. 

ffngneiger July 30, 2019

Can you please provide an update on this support request? 




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