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If I move an Issue to a later Sprint on JIRA side, will the Sprint also update on Portfolio side?

Matt Mullaney July 12, 2019

If I have a Portfolio Plan calculated with Sprint allocations, and I commit the changes to JIRA, it puts the backlog issues into planned/future Sprints on the JIRA Scrum board side to match the Portfolio.  If the team then moves the story on their JIRA Scrum Board to a later or earlier Sprint, will this update be automatically reflected back on the Portfolio side?

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 15, 2019

Hi Matt,

Yes, the data portfolio side should be reflecting what you are setting Jira side, but some operations require a calculation to fully update.

When you commit data in Portfolio you are verifying a write operation to jira and when you  view a Live plan in Portfolio portfolio you're asking for a read from Jria's live data set, and then when you run a calculate you are requesting the portfolio specific data lines up with any updates to the Jira data and re-runs the scheduling algorithm to define the projected scope.


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