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How can I set day length in Jira Portolio 3 using Improved Interface?

Melissa MacArthur
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May 19, 2019

We have a 7 hour work day which I can set up successfully when I switch Portfolio to the older interface using Working hours and days. When I switch to the improved interface that configuration setting isn't available and my estimates show using an 8 hour day not a 7 hour day. Does this mean that I need to use the older interface if I want a 7 hour day? I prefer the newer one in other respects.

Thank you, 


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 21, 2019

Hi @Melissa MacArthur , in the new experience we don't have this support built in at the moment. It's on our backlog but I can't say exactly what version it will land in product. 

One detail i'd love to get your feedback is when you drag an issue on the timeline and you see something like "10 days" would you expect that to be working days only, or all week days?

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