I've noticed that a number of people have suggested/wished for the ability in Advanced Roadmaps to be able to clone or copy a plan.
I must confess I'm not convinced it would be all that handy. Why not? I hear you ask
But!!! I think I know what would solve most reasons for thinking you want the ability to clone or copy a plan.
If saved views could be saved as global and rolled out with all new plans in your site, would that solve the problem? You still create the issue sources and configure teams, but rather than just these 4 views (as below) you could have a custom set of views that are fit for your companies needs.
I'm thinking these could be controlled and configured in an admin section (similar to the Global Automation section), where Admins could create and save views that would roll out to all new Plans. Then, like now, in each plan you can add to that base list on a per plan basis.
Stretch goal (for the relevant Atlassian dev team 😊) could be that custom fields could also be controlled in an admin section, so that every time a new plan is created the key custom fields for the company are already available without the need to "manage custom fields" on a per plan level.
What do people think? I see this as a simpler solution (for Atlassian to deliver) that I believe would solve most of the scenarios.