#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;
- Who you are and what ACE City you're from ?
Hello world.
This is Sajit Nair.. representing Delhi-Gurgaon-NCR group in India, I am proud to be one of the co-leaders in the community.
Joined the ACE group in 2018. A musician and a bike enthusiast, I love playing cricket and basketball too. Been in the Atlassian + Agile ecosystem for around 10 years. At my current job, I work as a consultant for some accounts, a Program Manager for internal teams, I run a podcast called "Trundl Talks" (shameless plug, but go check it out)
Basically, I wear many hats.. so here's couple pictures of me showing off my caps. :P

- How you found out about the Leader program and how it has benefited you
I actually got to know about the program at Barcelona'18 Summit.
Spoke to the community team esp, Darline and Celina and got introduced to Deepti Jain, who was heading the Delhi/Gurgaon group at that time. I joined the community as a co-leader and together we were able to have lots of fun at the events while providing good learning opportunities to the community as well.
Also, big shout-out to Tamanna G too for her amazing support, as she helped me get back to local leader role from online leader, which I had to be for a while due to some rules around partners in the leaders program.

I think this was the first picture we took together, on that very first day we met. (took the screen grab from her post in Linkedin)
Meeting her, and joining the community was a turning point in my career.
I started feeling a sense of responsibility towards the community and the knowledge sharing became a key component. She actually has been a great friend and mentor to me. I admire her passion and her fierce go-getter attitude.
Oh! and one of my favourite moments in the last couple of years was meeting Mike/Scott during the Vegas'19 summit and attending the ACE leaders workshop.
All words fail to express the openness and optimism that flows at that event.

(see if you can spot me)
- Post about your favorite ACE/Atlassian Event to date? (Photos encouraged)
One of my favourite ACE events was held at Nagarro premises on Feb 12, 2020, when the Delhi/Gurgaon ACE hosted a couple of Atlassian including Partha Kamal and Robert Bannerman.

It was an amazing session and that was the session after which we onboarded our newest co-leader (and now my wife) Meghna Singh.
Yes! you read that right.
My co-leader is also my life partner.. and ACE played a substantial part in bringing us together. We actually used Trello to plan our wedding and to move in to our new house. As they say in Brooklyn99, she is an amazing Human/Genius.. but lets keep that for a whole different post and move on. :)

Three co-leaders for Delhi/Ggn chapter.
- Describe your DREAM ACE! Where would it be? Who would be the guest speaker? What kind of food/drink would you have? (Creativity encouraged)!
Ok. So I am answering this in 2 sections.
Location / F&B -
Well, the answer to this might be a little off from what I would have written pre-pandemic. Its was pretty common for us to have a bash at our events.
After the talks, presentations and swags were distributed (at times ransacked :P), we used to have coffee sessions where we would have open house and discussions within the members. We even hosted the year end get together with the community. It was awesome.
Earlier, I might have wished for a fancy location with a fancy bar/food menu.. but I miss that normalcy of the usual place where we used to have most of our meet-up so much, that it has now become my dream ACE location.
Speakers -
There are so many amazing people I have met in and outside the community
For my dream ACE speakers, I would love to open with Rachel Wright lead a session on Jira, then a session on future of teamwork by Dom and finally a empowering session session by a trained NLP practitioner to close out the event.
Then, my favourite part of the meet-up.. the open house.
++ some good'ol fashioned beers/Coffee.
Sounds very basic. right?
I miss basic. Cant wait for the 'normal' to return. :)

Cheers -