It seems that Slack will change their auth events next year (around 03/2021). Is there something planned with this app to modify API calls to the new format ?
Hello, Is there a specific reason why posting to private channels doesn't work? On the other hand @ mentions works fine. Thank you,
Is it possible to list all spaces and pages with Slack notifications enabled? So far I was able to extract them from DB. But I was wondering if admin UI or REST API provides such option? Or maybe thi...
Hi, in previous version of your documentation you mentionned that User configuration ("notify yourself if you’ve been mentioned on a page or a task for you has been added, updated or removed") ...
We use the "Slack for Confluence" add-on. Please tell me about notifications. Is it possible to display only added comments in the notification message when adding a comment to a page or blog? ...
Hi, I see that you have stated you cannot set custom notifications on individual pages in a space, but can you set notifications to only be active on one page within a space? Example: SpaceA: &nbs...
When going to url /wiki/plugins/servlet/ac/com.madein49.slack-for-confluence/global-configuration I gets global configuration but when going to space addon settings url is /wiki/plugins/atlassia...
Can I set up and send Page level notifications from a Space in Confluence to specific channels/users in Slack? For eg: If, there are multiple pages in a Space and I intend to send notifications ...
There are a bunch of placeholders used in the "Notification Format" field like "pageTitle", "spaceUrl" or "actionUserLink". Is there a list of placeholders/variables that can be used?
What is the pricing for server?
Hi guys, my management wants to know: "Is there a way to get at least the partial functionality for free just by using the web hooks?" I understand we can't, could you please confirm or deny it. T...
Hello, I use a Slack for Confluence on Atlassian Cloud. I set a PERSONAL space setting for Slack for Connfluence, it displayed only "{}" and became never ending loading page. After that, Slack for...
Hi Team, I have configured this plugin in confluence for a single space but its triggering notification for any change in any space. Please help email id: p...
The Confluence QA integration with HipChat supports notifications when a new Question is Asked in Confluence Q&A: image2016-5-4 12:13:14.png Does Slack for Confluence also support getting this ...
I checked that posting to Slack works with curl POST But this plugin does not work despite I provided correct webhook URL Creating new page in Confluence does not trigger a slack post.
Hey, will this add-on be available for Confluence Cloud too? Kind regards, Alex
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