Tuesday is sad.... 😢😖
Or Tremendous.
Still thinking of a cute Tuesday theme, but I first wanted to say that Tuesdays used to be my favorite day of the week for a long time.
Tuesdays were Computer Lab Day for my kindergarten class. This was before pcs were ubiquitous. We just did math drills on these little beige Macintosh workstations, but that felt like peak technology to me as a little kid in the early 90s!
Now, here I am with a career in information technology. Every day's a Computer Lab Day. Thanks for the spark, Tuesday. :)
Having graduated in the early 80s, the best we had was an electric typewriter in typing class!!! LOL But I do remember the 1st job I had where computers were used instead of typewriters...I was a temp at a government facility. While the job didn't last long, my love for computers and all related geekdom has been maintained every since! ;-)
isn't that copyrighted/trademarked?!? you are going to have to pay up to the corporate man for the usage. :)
There used to be a Taco Tuesday focused on Trello, but no one maintained it.
This past week, I called it "Training Tuesday" and posted this over here in the Training & Certification collection:
If someone wants to take ownership of a weekly Tuesday post, please feel free to start something!
maybe we can do Music Tuesday 😃 where we can share our local music trends depending on our country, music that we like and want to share with the community...
Tuesday Tunes! 📻
Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. As Jimmy said, TACO Tuesday petered out after a lack of maintenance. I like the Training Tuesday theme and would be open to talking to the Community and University Teams about curating content for it.
@Andy Gladstone I actually chatted with the University team about that concept at Team '23. There was interest but nothing came of it yet.
@Jimmy Seddon hmm. Putting it to the CAB - maybe we can tag team on this?
@Andy Gladstone ~ that would be awesome. Or how about a "Terrific Tip Tuesday" where users provide their tried and true tips for administering Atlassian apps? That could be super helpful!
In college I worked at a movie theater and we did discount admission on Tuesdays, so we called it Tightwad Tuesdays.
Could we introduce 'Tuesday Twist'? This could be a space for sharing intriguing lesser-known facts or recent discoveries, exploring unique cultural traditions, or presenting mind-bending riddles and puzzles that offer an unexpected twist.
@Ananjan_Mishra you really hit on points that are already part of Miscellaneous Monday and Friday Fun, and if you have contributions to make there I suggest you sign up for them!
We are working on a Tuesday theme, stay tuned!
Got it! @Andy Gladstone 👍