In light of the recent announcements from around the Updates to Atlassian Certifications, is there anyone in the path to take the ACP-200 Confluence Administrator exam anytime soon?
I have my exam booked for late-November and would love to hear from other test-takers and share experiences.
+1, very interesting, i'm preparing now to ACP-200 exam.
Any update? Tell me you all passed the exam!!!
I am in the preparation stage for the exam.
Exam will be 22.02.
I will definitely report the results =)
Have success!!!
I passed yesterday
Wow, my congratulations!
Was it difficult? Are there any topics to pay special attention to?
Yeah! I've passed too ✅
It was rather difficult for me, my previous exams were about Jira 😁
Hi all, I did the new ACP-200 exam some weeks ago and failed. I find it much more difficult than the version of the test before.
I am trying hard to prepare myself in order to pass the exam the next time I am attempting. Can you give me any material or sources that I can learn for the test?
Thanks a lot for any hint or file.
Hi, @Dimitri Rupp !
I used Atlassian University's courses, one of the most useful, as for me, is Confluence Administration.
Also I used our Community and official documentation.
Agree with you, as for me this exam was harder than others that I have tried.
The ACP-200 is not available anymore? Is there any option to be a certified confluence administrator?
Hi @Manuel
The new Confluence credential, applicable to both Cloud and Data Center, is APB-CSA Confluence Space Administration Pro Skills Badge.