Hello, I would like to ask, if someone knows how I can delete a page I am not admin to, since the person who created the space is no longer working in our company.
@Dave Mathijs is correct. Space permissions may be granted on individual user basis (along 'user group rights). I'm often surprised how this option is often forgotten :)
Or you can just ask the admin to delete the page if it's a one off.
as you're not an admin, you've done the right thing by asking an admin to give you the permissions!
Also, you can read this article https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/Deleting-a-page-in-Confluence/ba-p/2139778
It describes how to delete pages on any type of hosting like Confluence.
Hello @Zoriana Bogutska_Adaptavist_
Thank you, however, I do not have the option to delete some pages, while I am not admin at the space. But I have already wrote to our support for them to give me admin rights, so I hope it will be alright soon :D