missing sla data in jira service desk data center

valeria cruz February 2, 2018

Hello! I'm trying to do this article (https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/missing-sla-data-in-jira-servicedesk-828790603.html), but I received a blank page. I'm using JIRA DATA CENTER



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Atlassian Team
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February 5, 2018

Hi Valeria,

What version of Service Desk are you running, e.g. 3.4, etc?

If you take a look at your logs do you see anything resembling the following:

An exception occured while rendering the web panel: com.atlassian.servicedesk:sla-web-panel (null)
at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(Objects.java:203)
at io.atlassian.fugue.Option.some(Option.java:87)
at com.atlassian.servicedesk.internal.sla.goal.view.GoalViewServiceImpl.updateCompleteSLAData(GoalViewServiceImpl.java:493)

After looking into other similar support cases reported by other customers, we found that this issue could be caused by some unsupported 3rd party add-on but at this moment, I am unable to confirm that.

Next steps

To continue with the investigation, can you provide run the following tests and let me know the results?


Please note that with this test, all the add-ons that you installed will be temporarily disabled (including Service Desk), so you might need to schedule it during a maintenance window so that it doesn't impact your business, or you might need to create a clone test instance to run this test.

Here is the steps:

  1. Go to ⚙ > JIRA Admin > Add-ons > Manage Add-ons
  2. Click on the "Enter safe mode". Please note that this button will also disable Service Desk
  3. Look for "Service Desk" in the search box, and select "All add-ons" in the filter
  4. Re-enable each single component starting with "Service Desk" to re-enable Service Desk
  5. This way, we will make sure that all the add-ons are disabled except Service Desk
  6. Try to reproduce the issue by opening a ticket that has the SLA rendering error


  1. Can you please run the query below in the database for one of the issue that is affected by the SLA error? You need to replace the ISSUE_KEY and ISSUE_NUMBER with the correct issue key and issue number (for example, if an impacted issue is TEST-1, then ISSUE_KEY is TEST, and ISSUE_NUMBER is 1). Please attach the result from this query to this ticket.
    SELECT ( p.pkey 
             || '-' 
             || i.issuenum ) AS issuekey, 
    FROM   customfield cf, 
           customfieldvalue cv, 
           jiraissue i, 
           project p 
    WHERE  i.project = p.id 
           AND cv.issue = i.id 
           AND cv.customfield = cf.id 
           AND cf.customfieldtypekey = 'com.atlassian.servicedesk:sd-sla-field' 
           AND p.pkey = 'ISSUE_KEY' 
           AND i.issuenum IN (ISSUE_NUMBER);
  2. Please force the reconstruction of the SLAs in each impacted issue by using the REST API call from this KB article and check if the SLA is rendering properly.
  3. Please run again the same SQL query above, and attach the new results. I'd like to compare the query result from before and after making the API call.



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