Hi all.
I used to be on Jira Server but now in the Cloud. There are a few features that are present on Server but lacking in the Cloud. These are them and why I...

so crazy much:
- Ability to filter the Automation log for certain types of results, like on DC and Server, instead of scrolling endlessly through the log to find log entries of status "some errors" or whatever one is looking for.

Ability to filter Custom fields by type - for example being able to see all "Select List (single select)" fields, etc. Again, this is already a function in Server and DC. Reason for this is that sometimes I want to try to reuse a field and now I have to go through all the pages of Custom Fields with ctrl-f of the type I am searching for...

- Workflow Scheme: have the location of "Active" and "Inactive" in tabs up on top like it is in Workflow. This is a more consistent approach (not throwing Admins back and forth depending on which Schema they are in) and easier to access. This is actually not in DC or Server - just a brand new suggestion from me at least :)
Hope this gets on the Product Manager´s radar...