Hi Community,
Elaine again from Confluence Cloud Product Management.
Most of you have used the new Confluence navigation and Home for some time by now. Not sure what changed or just want to learn more about the new experience? Continue reading here.
We understand major UX changes like this could take some time to get used to. We gathered some pro tips to help you harness all the power of the new Home and navigation.
Get back to where you left off, quicker using Recent
Never get lost with Spaces switcher
Search and find in a blink of an eye
Stay connected and get social via People and Feed
Keep your Confluence site up-to-date with handy admin tools
Recent is the place to find all pages/blogs that matter to you, not just those recently visited or worked on. Your starred pages and drafts are here too!
No matter where you are, you can select Recent in the navigation and scroll. Want to speed things up even more? Simply use keyboard shortcut G R to open the Recent menu.
Whether you start your day on the Home page or need to get back to something you worked on before, the Recent pages section lets you easily pick up where you left off - whether you starred a page, just viewed it, or saved it as an unpublished draft!
We built some GPSeque features that make sure you never feel lost or feel the need to pull over for directions.
Know which space you’re in or switch spaces using Spaces in the top navigation
Have you ever needed to pull information from other teams while working on a project plan?
If you need to jump back and forth between spaces, the top nav Spaces menu shows you your current space and gives you options to quickly switch to another.
Get to the search bar quicker than it took you to read this sentence. No extra steps, just type / to access the search bar.
Keep in mind: While you are editing, typing / doesn’t open search. Typing the slash command ( / ) in the editor lets you insert any element without taking your hands off the keys.
Ready for the next level? A complete list of keyboard shortcuts can be found under the ? (Help) menu.
The teams and the people you work with are easy to get to in the People menu in the top navigation.
Here you can find people that you collaborate with closely. Selecting a name takes you to their user profile. Let’s assume that you know Alana has been working on something you need an update on. You can go straight to her profile to see what she’s been doing.
You can also see all the teams you belong to in the People dropdown. Start a team if it hasn’t been created. By selecting a team, you’ll land on the team profile that lets you:
see what a team is working on. You can see recent pages, project plans coming from that team and find any information about a team quickly and easily.
review a team’s recent work and stay informed about work teams are doing.
add resources to your team so everyone on the team can see what’s important.
Select View all people and teams to explore your entire organization in the people directory.
Want to know what your coworkers are up to (especially while working remotely)? Give your feed a little more room on your Home page by dragging it left.
Keep in mind: you need admin permissions in Confluence to access these features.
Did you know you can get to your Home page by selecting Home OR the Confluence logo on the top navigation?
Select the + button next to the Spaces heading gets you started. Spaces are great places for a new project, an entire team, or a general knowledge base.
We understand that you may want to look at all the spaces that exist before you create a new one. Easy! Just select View all to the right of the Spaces heading.
Tailor the Announcements section based on your organization’s need. Keep it up-to-date with major announcements and other important information about your organization and your Confluence site.
I hope these tips help you move more efficiently around Confluence and that you enjoyed geeking out about navigation with me!
Please share your best tips and advice below with others. Also, let us know what you want to learn about next!
Elaine H.
Sr. Product Manager, Confluence Cloud
San Francisco Bay Area
1 accepted answer
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