I'm having this same issue with images in Description and trying to render the content using wiki. I tried to replace the size of images without success. I'm trying this
Description}'.replace(new RegExp('width=\d+,height=\d+!','g'),'width=200,height=200!')}}
I noticed that the image tag is coming like this:
I tried to remove the whole image and try to change the size without success.
Any thoughts?
Hi, Brigitte. Nice catch with the :! I did not have any success on this and, after expend almost one week trying different things I just gave up and decide to not use wiki....now the exported info is comming with all the tags. I just decided to give another try in a few months and see if there is any update on this.....
Hello, I was dealing with the same problem.
I tried many different possibilities to try to resize or delelte the image from the wiki format but is like it's not working with javascript.
So I achive a solution with a workarround, using a property that delete all the images from wiki fields and then I add it with a iteration.
And then in the same iteration of the Description field I use:
#{for images}
The problem is this will populate with all the images that the issue/issues have.
I was trying to find a way to create a if that take the value images value from the Description and apply it in the #{for images} but no success at the momment.
Xporter support is very slow and at the end of the day I gave them the solutions....
Probably does not help you any more and maybe there is even a better way now to do it. But as this thread was one of the first hits and it helped me to find a solution that worked for me eventually, I want to share with those that still struggle with this.
${wiki:%{'${TestSteps[n].Action}'.replace(/width=\d+,height=\d+/g, 'width=150,height=150')}}
Hi Manual, I'm very interested in your solution, I tried many ways and for me it was not possible to achieve what you say.
Do you tried it in jira cloud or dc/server?
I'm doing it also for the Action test section, but it's always empty.