It’s Apptoberfest, and we’ve brewed up an app that saves you from working long days and late nights and gets you to the beer hall faster: Jira Snapshots for Confluence.🍺
In one click, Snapshots enables you to capture data in the moment, giving you greater control, empowered management, quicker approvals, and audit-ready documentation.
For a quick shot 🥃 of all the app’s powerful features, check out this demo video:
Now, see how Jira Snapshots for Confluence can save you from wurst-case scenarios 🌭:
Eins (1): Status Reports: It’s Friday, and your boss needs a status report of all you’ve accomplished this week. No more pretzel-knot 🥨 in your stomach — Snapshots gets it done in minutes, not hours.
Zwei (2): Planning Sessions: When planning, say, next quarter’s lager allotment, you need a current and static picture of your Jira data and issues. Snapshots gives you time-stamped reports (even multilevel), so everyone drinks 🍷 in the same information at the same time.
Drei (3): Prioritization and Capacity Planning: You want to communicate release options to the leadership team, but how can you show them the most fruitful way 🎃 to use your resources? Snapshots helps stakeholders make better decisions without overloading the team.
Thanks for checking out Jira Snapshots for Confluence — now you can G’suffa! (drink). Cheers! 🍻
Rina Nir
CEO at RadBee
United Kingdom
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